Does FUE punch size affect how painful a procedure will be?

Does FUE punch size affect how painful a procedure will be?

I’m about to undergo an FUE hair transplant surgery. I’ve heard a lot about how low-risk it is, but I still have my reservations. Will FUE treatment be painful? What are the side effects of hair transplant surgery? What factors determine how painful an FUE transplant will be?


Pain is a subjective experience. People of varying personalities, cultural backgrounds, ages, and dispositions will often express wildly differing accounts even when exposed to the exact same set of physically painful stimulation. The amount of pain after FUE hair transplant will depend on a number of factors.

With that being said, it’s natural to assume that if you’re having any type of incising done, you’re likely to experience pain after FUE hair transplant, even if it’s minimal and bearable.


Minimizing Pain after FUE Hair Transplant and FUE Hair Transplant Side Effects During Your FUE Treatment

Just like with any type of hair surgery, plenty of measures will be taken against pain after FUE hair transplant by the hair surgeon on behalf of the patient.

Chances are, your hair surgeon will administer local anesthesia wherever you’re having work done to minimize pain during FUE hair transplant. This will greatly diminish the hair grafting side effects that would normally be experienced otherwise.

In order to stave off any psychological effects that may be brought about by the mere thought of having your hair extracted through the means employed by FUE hair surgery, you’ll generally be given the option to watch a movie or television to distract yourself from the FUE procedure itself. This also will have a mitigating effect on any pain during FUE hair transplant you may feel.

FUE punch size may play a role in the amount of pain a patient experiences during FUE hair restoration – the bigger the punch, the larger the wounds inflicted, after all. Do bigger wounds mean more pain?


FUE Punch Size and Pain


Even as an incredibly low-risk and non-invasive cosmetic procedure, the patient must accept that discomfort and pain after FUE hair transplant is simply something that comes along with an FUE hair transplant. No matter what size FUE punch your hair surgeon decides to use for your procedure, it’s reasonable, as with any type of surgery, to expect some degree of pain after FUE hair transplant and during. It’s fair to say that a wider wound may hurt more than a smaller one. Again, this is subjective. Where FUE punch size becomes much more relevant in the aftermath of your FUE hair replacement (aside from the amount of pain after FUE hair transplant) is FUE scarring.

The size of the punch will be the ultimate determining factor when it comes to the diameter of each puncture wound left behind as your hair surgeon harvests each graft. Dr. U’s Dr.UPunch i ™ is of the highest caliber when it comes to the way it allows your FUE practitioner to excise incredibly hardy grafts while at the same time minimizing the size of the wounds imposed.

The Dr.UPunch i ™ boasts a dual-diameter design. The expanded inner chamber, much wider than the initial diameter of the distal cutting edge, gently expands the incision without tearing into it. More of the tissue surrounding the graft is collected as the follicle is excised, making it much more likely to survive when transplanted to the donor area. Most patients will agree that the results they achieve are well worth any pain after FUE hair transplant.


Other Frequently-Asked Questions About the Side Effects of Hair Transplant Surgery, FUE Punch Size, and Pain After FUE Hair Transplant

Is FUE safe?

When performed by a certified professional, without a doubt. FUE hair replacement is a minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure, and as such is far from life-threatening even in the worst possible scenario.

What side effects of hair transplant surgery, such as pain after FUE hair transplant, can I expect after my FUE procedure?

The side effects of hair transplant surgery are generally very mild, especially when compared to those of other types of hair restoration surgery. You can safely assume your chosen donor area will swell and bruise slightly as the FUE wounds scab over immediately after the surgery. These hair grafting side effects will usually subside after a few days. Some pain after FUE hair transplant (or any other type of surgery, for that matter) is to be expected. If you experience significant, unrelenting pain after a week or so and suspect that you may have developed an infection in the area, let your hair surgeon know right away.

Do bigger FUE punches hurt more than smaller ones?

That’s hard to say; the pain after FUE hair transplant one feels will depend greatly on the level of pain tolerance of the individual. Larger wounds may take longer to heal and this may translate into a longer period of pain after FUE hair transplant. With that being said, however, even though a bigger wound may aggravate more nerve endings objectively, it’s safe to say that the actual size of the FUE punch used probably won’t have a significant impact on the amount of pain after FUE hair transplant experienced. 


Further Reading

An article on why hair transplant surgery is on the rise

A general overview of the FUE process

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